The new SiS Beta Fuel range is leading a revolution in endurance fuelling by utilising an optimised ratio of maltodextrin to fructose, providing a science-based complete fuelling solution for cyclists. The combination of maltodextrin and fructose used in SiS Beta Fuel provides an isotonic formula to enhance carbohydrate delivery and utilisation during exercise, whilst minimising gastrointestinal issues. Already use SiS Beta Fuel and want to know why we changed the ratio? Well, the new range of SiS Beta Fuel products uses a ratio of 1:0.8 maltodextrin to fructose (previously being 2:1) and has been proven to: Enhance total exogenous carbohydrate oxidation by 17% Enhance mean power output during 10 maximal sprint efforts by 3% Increase the percentage of ingested carbohydrate oxidised from 62% (2:1 ratio) to 74% (1:0.8 ratio) Reduce symptoms of stomach fullness and nausea when compared to the 2:1 ratio In the first study of its kind, we tested feeding athletes 120g of Science in Sport Beta Fuel per hour, singularly, and combined across our patented range of gels, chews and drinks. The previously recommended intake for endurance fuelling was 90g per hour. Even after 3 hours of sustained effort 50% of energy used was from the SiS Beta Fuel, rather than the body’s own fuel stores, with no cross-over from carbohydrate to fat usage taking place The 120g carbohydrate intake can be achieved from our drink, gel or jelly chew, or any combination of the three Athletes were using 1.5gm of carbohydrate per minute, the highest rates of carbohydrate oxidation ever reported, and had no stomach upset They were able to sustain high performance intensity, with lower perceived effort For training and competition of 2 – 2.5 hours or more, SiS Beta Fuel is the next generation of endurance fuelling. These results have never been seen before and change everything we thought we knew about endurance fuelling guidelines. In summary, the SiS Beta Fuel range works by providing these two different forms of carbohydrate in an isotonic formula which can be simultaneously absorbed. This is key as the transportation of nutrients across the intestinal wall, which is a rate-limiting factor in carbohydrate oxidation during exercise. The importance of nutrition for cycling Many cyclists will put endless hours of training in to increase their functional threshold power (FTP – the average number of watts a rider can sustain for an hour) and spend vast amounts of money to upgrade their bikes with the latest gear and gadgets! But few give their nutrition the rightful attention it deserves for them to perform at their best. Nutrition is a fundamental part of cycling, aiming to provide fuel to support your weekly mileage, promote adequate recovery and elicit training adaptations following sessions, whilst also helping maintain the optimal power-to-weight ratio (which will vary between individuals). Your nutrition can make or break your cycling experience when it comes to not only surviving miles in the saddle, but also your enjoyment! That’s where Science in Sport comes in, we’re committed to providing accessible nutritional solutions to optimise performance for endurance athletes of all abilities. There are two primary macronutrients stored in the body that you can utilise for energy during exercise, carbohydrate and fat. Depending on the intensity and duration, your fuel used whilst cycling will vary. In general, as exercise intensity increases, you become more reliant on carbohydrate stored in your liver, blood and muscle. However, your body can only store enough carbohydrate for up to 90-120 minutes of exercise so it’s important to consume adequate carbohydrate during cycling. It is suggested that during endurance exercise (in excess of 2.5 hours) 80–120 g of carbohydrate per hour should be consumed to maintain blood glucose levels and prevent fatigue. If you’re not used to consuming this much carbohydrate during exercise it is a good idea to test it out to ensure the body is capable. You may have to build up the amount of carbohydrate gradually, as you would when building up your training. SiS Beta Fuel during training and competition Cycling in general isn’t a one-size-fits-all sport, from bike size, to saddle width, to clothing, even terrain! Nutrition for cycling also varies between individuals which is why at Science in Sport we provide a variety of fuelling options without sacrificing quality. The SiS Beta Fuel range provides just that, a variety of fuelling options in a scientifically superior formula. The new enhanced SiS Beta Fuel formula allows you to increase your carbohydrate intake to around 80-120 g per hour, as a result of the 1:0.8 maltodextrin and fructose ratio, aiding your performance by minimising gastrointestinal distress and enabling faster absorption. The new SiS Beta Fuel range at 1:0.8 ratio of maltodextrin and fructose is available in a variety of formats, a powder, a unique chew bar and two different types of gels. For a three-hour ride, aiming for 80–120 g of carbohydrate per hour (240-360 grams in total), you could use the SiS Beta Fuel range in the following formats: SiS Beta Fuel Options: – 1 x 500ml bottle with SiS Beta Fuel 80 in Red Berry flavour – 80 grams per bottle – 2 x SiS Beta Fuel Gels in Strawberry & Lime – 40 grams each – 80 grams – 1 x SiS Beta Fuel Chew Bar in Orange flavour – 45 grams (7 grams per chew) – 1 x SiS Beta Fuel Gel with Nootropics in Lemon & Lime flavour – 40 grams This would give a total of 245 grams of carbohydrate over the three-hour ride. This provides a varied nutrition solution in different formats, flavours and textures for your ride whilst maintaining the quality of your nutrition so you can train or race at the best of your ability. The powder also contains sodium which will aid with hydration throughout the ride, whilst the last gel contains nootropics, substances that can enhance cognitive performance giving you that mental lift you might need, especially at the latter phases of exercise. However, if you’re new to performance nutrition products, it is important to practice consuming this amount of carbohydrate. Individual requirements will vary depending on body weight and it may take time to adapt. We recommend you practice your nutrition during training to find the optimal amount that works for you. For more information about the SiS Beta Fuel range, visit here. Written By Dr Emily Jevons - PhD in Exercise Physiology & Nutrition, Clean Sport Advisor Emily has worked with Science in Sport since 2021. With a PhD in Exercise Physiology & Nutrition, she currently provides nutritional advice for endurance athletes. Emily not only understands the science behind performance nutrition solutions, but also the physiological and psychological demands of sport after competing competitively in swimming and triathlon for a number of years.