REGO Rapid Recovery

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Una bebida de recuperación apta para veganos diseñada para recargar energías y recuperarse después del ejercicio.

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Beneficios Principales
Recuperación rápida en todo tipo de ejercicio
22 g de hidratos de carbono, 21 g de proteína
Producto de recuperación completa
Beneficios Principales
Recuperación rápida en todo tipo de ejercicio
22 g de hidratos de carbono, 21 g de proteína
Producto de recuperación completa
Resumen de producto

REGO Rapid Recovery es una solución de recuperación apta para veganos que aporta hidratos de carbono y proteínas, así como vitaminas y minerales, en una cómoda bebida para consumir inmediatamente después del ejercicio.

Contiene proteína de soja de alta calidad para crear una formulación vegana única que favorece el crecimiento y el mantenimiento muscular1, con un perfil completo de aminoácidos mejorado por la adición de 2,5 g de L-leucina.

Una mezcla añadida de vitaminas y minerales ayuda a contribuir a la ingesta diaria recomendada del atleta y apoya la salud en general, incluye vitamina C para apoyar el sistema inmunológico y vitamina B6 para ayudar a reducir el cansancio y la fatiga.

Tanto si se trata de sesiones cortas e intensas como de ejercicios largos y de resistencia, REGO Rapid Recovery te ayuda a reparar y reponer tus músculos para que estés listo para volver a empezar.



  • Recarga energías con 22 g de hidratos de carbono 
  • Ayuda a promover la recuperación después del ejercicio1
  • Desarrolla y mantiene la masa muscular con 21 g de proteína de soja2
  • Un perfil completo de aminoácidos mejorado con 2,5 g de L-leucina 
  • Apto para veganos e intolerantes a la lactosa 
  • Vitaminas y minerales añadidos para apoyar la salud en general 




Los carbohidratos son la fuente de energía predominante que se utiliza para alimentar el ejercicio de intensidad moderada a alta que dura 60 minutos o más. Tu cuerpo necesita carbohidratos para reponer las reservas de glucógeno y asegurarte de que estás listo para volver a empezar. Si no repostas correctamente después de hacer ejercicio, puedes comenzar tu próxima sesión de entrenamiento o competición sintiendo los efectos de tu última sesión.

REGO Rapid Recovery contiene 22 g de hidratos de carbono procedentes de la maltodextrina.



Las proteínas son los componentes básicos de la vida, ya que proporcionan los aminoácidos que ayudan al cuerpo a crecer y repararse. Nuestro cabello, piel, músculos y todos nuestros tejidos corporales están hechos de la proteína que comemos.

La síntesis de proteínas musculares (MPS), el proceso de producción de nuevas proteínas musculares, es un componente importante de la forma en que el cuerpo mantiene y construye músculo en última instancia y proporciona la base de cómo nuestro músculo se adapta al ejercicio. Cuando comes proteínas después del ejercicio, les das a tus músculos los aminoácidos necesarios para reparar, reconstruir y reacondicionar, lo que conduce a una recuperación más rápida y promueve la adaptación al entrenamiento3.

REGO Rapid Recovery contiene un perfil completo de aminoácidos mejorado con 2,5 g de L-leucina. La leucina es un aminoácido especialmente importante, ya que proporciona la señal para estimular la síntesis de proteínas musculares en las horas posteriores al ejercicio.



Los productos de Science in Sport están registrados en Informed Sport. Cada producto se desarrolla utilizando un enfoque de clase mundial para las pruebas de sustancias prohibidas, lo que brinda seguridad a todos los atletas. 


1Los hidratos de carbono contribuyen a la recuperación de la función muscular normal después de un ejercicio físico muy intenso y/o de larga duración, lo que provoca fatiga muscular y agotamiento de las reservas de glucógeno en el músculo esquelético. Efecto beneficioso del consumo de un total de 4 g/kg de peso corporal de hidratos de carbono de todas las fuentes, en dosis, dentro de las primeras 4 horas y no más tarde de 6 horas después de la actividad física intensa y/o de larga duración. 

2La proteína contribuye al crecimiento y mantenimiento de la masa muscular. 

3Tang, J.E., Moore, D.R., Kujbida, G.W., Tarnopolsky, M.A. and Phillips, S.M. (2009). Ingestion of whey hydrolysate, casein, or soy protein isolate: effects on mixed muscle protein synthesis at rest and following resistance exercise in young men. Journal of Applied Physiology, 107(3), pp.987–992. doi:

Uso Sugerido

Añadir 50 g (dos cucharadas del dosificador completas) a 500 ml de agua fría y agitar. Es mejor consumirlo hasta 30 minutos después del ejercicio para una recuperación óptima. 

Información Nutricional
Estadísticas de nutrición


Información nutricional Por cada 100g Por ración de 50g
Energía 1509kj/358kcal 755kj/179kcal
Proteína 43g 22g
Hidratos de carbono 45g 23g
de los cuales son azúcares  3,1g 1,6g
Grasas 0,2g 0,1g
de las cuales son saturadas 0g 0g
Sal 2,4g 1,2g
Vitamina E 9,9mg (82,5%VRN*) 4,9mg (41%VRN*)
Vitamina C 66mg (82,5%VRN*) 33mg (41%VRN*)
Vitamina B1 0,9mg (82,5%VRN*) 0,45mg (41%VRN*)
Vitamina B2 1,2mg (82,5%VRN*) 0,58mg (41%*)
Niacina 13mg (82,5%VRN*)  6,6mg (41%VRN*)
Vitamina B6 1,2mg (82,5%VRN*) 0,58mg (41%VRN*)
Ácido fólico 165μg (82,5%VRN*)  82,5μg (41%VRN*)
Vitamina B12 2,1μg (82,5%VRN*) 1,0μg (41%VRN*)
Biotina  41μg (82,5%VRN*) 21μg (41%VRN*)
Ácido pantoténico 5,0mg (82,5%VRN*) 2,5mg (41%VRN*)
Cloruro 672mg (84%VRN*)  336mg (42%VRN*)
Hierro 12mg (82,5%VRN*) 5,8mg (41%VRN*)
Zinc 8.3mg (82,5%VRN*) 4,1mg (41%VRN*)
Yodo 123μg (82,5%VRN*) 61,9μg (41%VRN*)
Sodio 974mg  487mg
L-Leucina 5,0g 2,5g
Aislado de proteína de soja (51 %), maltodextrina (44 %), aromas, L-leucina, cloruro sódico, mezcla de vitaminas y minerales (vitamina C, niacina, pirofosfato férrico, vitamina E, sulfato de zinc, ácido pantoténico, vitamina B6, vitamina B2, vitamina B1, ácido fólico, yoduro de potasio, biotina, vitamina B12), espesante (goma xantana), edulcorante (sucralosa).
Para obtener información sobre los alérgenos, consultar los ingredientes en negrita. Elaborado en instalaciones en las que también se manipula leche.



Información nutricional Por cada 100g Por ración de 50g
Energía 1494kj/355kcal 747kj/177kcal
Proteína 42g 21g
Hidratos de carbono 43g 22g
de los cuales son azúcares  2,9g 1,5g
Grasas 0,8g 0,4g
de las cuales son saturadas 0,4g 0g
Sal 2,4g 1,2g
Vitamina E 9,9mg (82,5%VRN*) 4,9mg (41%VRN*)
Vitamina C 66mg (82,5%VRN*) 33mg (41%VRN*)
Vitamina B1 0,9mg (82,5%VRN*) 0,45mg (41%VRN*)
Vitamina B2 1,2mg (82,5%VRN*) 0,58mg (41%*)
Niacina 13mg (82,5%VRN*)  6,6mg (41%VRN*)
Vitamina B6 1,2mg (82,5%VRN*) 0,58mg (41%VRN*)
Ácido fólico 165μg (82,5%VRN*)  82,5μg (41%VRN*)
Vitamina B12 2,1μg (82,5%VRN*) 1,0μg (41%VRN*)
Biotina  41μg (82,5%VRN*) 21μg (41%VRN*)
Ácido pantoténico 5,0mg (82,5%VRN*) 2,5mg (41%VRN*)
Cloruro 672mg (84%VRN*)  336mg (42%VRN*)
Hierro 12mg (82,5%VRN*) 5,8mg (41%VRN*)
Zinc 8.3mg (82,5%VRN*) 4,1mg (41%VRN*)
Yodo 123μg (82,5%VRN*) 61,9μg (41%VRN*)
Sodio 951mg  475mg
L-Leucina 5,0g 2,5g
islado de proteína de soja (48 %), maltodextrina (40 %), cacao en polvo bajo en grasa, aromas, L-leucina, cloruro sódico, edulcorante (sucralosa), mezcla de vitaminas y minerales (vitamina C, niacina, pirofosfato férrico, vitamina E, sulfato de zinc, ácido pantoténico, vitamina B6, vitamina B2, vitamina B1, ácido fólico, yoduro de potasio, biotina, vitamina B12), espesante (goma xantana).
Para obtener información sobre los alérgenos, consultar los ingredientes en negrita. Elaborado en instalaciones en las que también se manipula leche.



Información nutricional Por cada 100g Por ración de 50g
Energía 1505kj/357kcal 753kj/178kcal
Proteína 43g 21g
Hidratos de carbono 45g 23g
de los cuales son azúcares  3,3g 1,7g
Grasas 0,2g 0,1g
de las cuales son saturadas 0g 0g
Sal 2,4g 1,2g
Vitamina E 9,9mg (82,5%VRN*) 4,9mg (41%VRN*)
Vitamina C 66mg (82,5%VRN*) 33mg (41%VRN*)
Vitamina B1 0,9mg (82,5%VRN*) 0,45mg (41%VRN*)
Vitamina B2 1,2mg (82,5%VRN*) 0,58mg (41%*)
Niacina 13mg (82,5%VRN*)  6,6mg (41%VRN*)
Vitamina B6 1,2mg (82,5%VRN*) 0,58mg (41%VRN*)
Ácido fólico 165μg (82,5%VRN*)  82,5μg (41%VRN*)
Vitamina B12 2,1μg (82,5%VRN*) 1,0μg (41%VRN*)
Biotina  41μg (82,5%VRN*) 21μg (41%VRN*)
Ácido pantoténico 5,0mg (82,5%VRN*) 2,5mg (41%VRN*)
Cloruro 672mg (84%VRN*)  336mg (42%VRN*)
Hierro 12mg (82,5%VRN*) 5,8mg (41%VRN*)
Zinc 8.3mg (82,5%VRN*) 4,1mg (41%VRN*)
Yodo 123μg (82,5%VRN*) 61,9μg (41%VRN*)
Sodio 965mg  483mg
L-Leucina 5,0g 2,5g
Aislado de proteína de soja (50 %), maltodextrina (44 %), L-leucina, aromas, cloruro sódico, colorante (rojo de remolacha), corrector de acidez (ácido cítrico), mezcla de vitaminas y minerales (vitamina C, niacina, pirofosfato férrico, vitamina E, sulfato de zinc, ácido pantoténico, vitamina B6, vitamina B2, vitamina B1, ácido fólico, yoduro de potasio, biotina, vitamina B12), espesante (goma xantana), edulcorante (sucralosa).
Para obtener información sobre los alérgenos, consultar los ingredientes en negrita. Elaborado en instalaciones en las que también se manipula leche.
72 Reseñas

Essential for my recovery.

richard northing



Giorgia Facchin


Great for recovery after training or competition, works for me.

Rick Saville


Tastes great

Russell Taylor


Serious downgrade, disgusting and watery. I have been using this product for about 7 years now and this "new and improved" recipe is just terrible, I personally can't stand bad tasting and watery potien shakes and the edge that SIS had against all other brands was that their protein shakes had the texture of a milkshake and tasted really good. That has since been lost with this new recipe. I dont understand how they went through the taste testing of this recipe and approved it because it simple isn't the same anymore. The taste is too sweet and very artifical and leaves a really bad aftertaste, I couldn't drink it. I really do hope that they revert the recipe or review it and make adjustment where they can still achieve the same nutritional value but maintain the milkshake texture and nice taste.



Ottimi prodotti



Preferred the individual packets

Ian Dalton


Tasty and smooth

Russell Taylor


Ottimo per recupero dopo giri lunghi.

Danilo Martini


indispensabile per fare altro il giorno dopo

Roberto Aprè


I have used rego a long time new formula is better so very happy

robin gibson


Have been using this product for several years and was very happy with it. Very disappointed with my recent order and the change in the taste of this product. Wont be ordering again.

Beverley Dennis


Mixes well good taste too

Mark Sharpe


Great tasting and has been my go to for years. Always the first thing I grab after a training session or work out.

Wayne Davies


Have been using Rego Rapid Recovery for very years with no digestive issues. Great taste and easy to consume

Alan Jackson


Recovery on the go and easy to travel with

Melanie Cumberland


Il miglior prodotto da utilizzare dopo un allenamento o una gara molto impegnativa.... Top

Fama Francesco


Another go to product for me after a race or tough training session. I also us it after blood doning to aid my recovery.



veramente valido



Still loving this

Dylan Rickerby


This used to be the best tasting chocolate protein on the market, unfortunatley they’ve pissed around with the flavour and it now tastes awful, its far too sweet.

Graham Barker


Gusto ottimo, di facile utilizzo e molto efficace per il recupero



great as always



I find the Rego RAPID RECOVERY very good and helpful as I'm disabled and I have to use my upper body all the time so without using Rego RAPID RECOVERY it takes my body longer to recover and it's low sugar so it also makes it use able for me as a Diabetic



This does genuinely work, we always feel better after using REGO. It tastes great too

Philip Montgomery


Always enjoy the chocolate flavour recovery drink.

Becky Silver


The rego 1.5kg chocolate I received has changed flavour and it's just awful now! its horrible and I dont like it..its too sweet.

Daniel Sims


The flavour is new, but I’m getting used to it. I like the 100% recyclable packaging

Dylan Rickerby


I used the sachets in the past and they tasted so much better. This new version just tastes like you are drinking chemicals. The seal on the pouch is fine when it is new, but as soon as you use the powder some of it gets into the seal, and it won't close properly. Please bring back the previous formula and the individual sachets.



Smooth shake and easy to drink



A trusted part of my long ride routine

Chas Crisp



Matt Cartwright


Great product for running recovery



Prefer the individual packets

Ian Dalton


Helps massively with recovery, tastes great, full of protein

Bethan powell


It does a great job of renewing energy levels post exercise. Tastes good too.



New formula is horrible tasting (sickly sweet) and watery compared to the original version. I will now be looking for a similar product from another manufacturer.

Michael Wheeldon


Prodotto che conosco ed uso da tempo. Interessante la nuova confezione: si chiude in modo ermetico ed è di facile smaltimento una volta finito il prodotto.

marco b


Excellent product

Dr Fear


Great tasting and easy to use.



Mixes easily and really helps on the recovery front. Just wish they still had the banana flavour



Go back to the old recipe..this doesn’t taste good

Andrew David


This is an awful product having been changed to ‘vegan’. Will never buy again

Simon Winton


I have used this and similar SIS products for more around 20 years. I now use this for recovery from my weight training workouts which include endurance sessions. I don't notice a difference when I use the recovery product but i DO notice a difference if I don't use it.

Dr Fear


Awful taste and packaging go back to the older version please!!!

mark lugg


Loved the "old" REGO rapid, tasted very natural and texture was smooth and milkshake like. New one... taste is synthetic and awful and now a lot more of a watery texture. Sadly will not be using this product anymore.



As a long time user of the previous version of this product I was very disappointed with the taste of this new version. I'm sure it is technically better but it now has a an artificial sweet flavour that is difficult to recognise as strawberry. It also has a much more watery texture, although I feel that is less of an issue than the taste. I have also tried the new chocolate version which is marginally better but still suffers the same failings. I very much hope something can be done to improve the flavours.

Mike Ellis


The new strawberry flavour is pretty bad - compared with the old flavour it tastes really artificial and too sweet. The powder is also finer, so it makes more of a mess when you make your shake, and the consistency of the drink is a little more watery. Performance wise it seems to be fine, it's just the new taste that's bad.




Domenico Suppa


Fantastico prodotto per recupero.Dopo attività ti rimette in buona carica.






I love this product, its quite expensive for me to buy all the time!

Riz Maslen


I ordered some Rego vanilla, it was the first time I'd ordered it for a while. What's happened to it? I see it says vegan now on it. What's all that about? I don't want vegan stuff it now tastes so chemically and not as vanillary as before. If you need to make vegan stuff why not let the rest of us have the original back, it was lovely and tasted like melted vanilla ice cream. I won't be buying this again

Andrew Rowbotham


Good product but very overpriced. The price has gone up by 50% but the product weight is now slightly less, which is disappointing.

Ben Taylor


Have found this really helps with my recovery after a run. Not a bad taste, either!



Does the job… good taste and fab results.

Linda Dewhurst


Like the new packaging. Tasty and effective sports drink.



Pleasant taste, find that it works well but it’s not cheap!



Had heard mixed reviews on the new product, sad you have stopped banana flavour, but vanilla is okay, don't like new packaging so have decanted into my old container



Prodotto non ancora arrivato

Andrea Bernardi


Does the job. Easy to use and value for money.

Linda Dewhurst


Mixed well and tastes great, seems to help recovery too

Neil Dixon


Excellent as always.

Linda Dewhurst


Too expensive

Ellie Barnes


This is an essential part of anyone doing cardio and/or endurance trainings kit

Philip Montgomery


Always happy with this product, great tasting & texture.

Linda Dewhurst


I find that the Rego RAPID RECOVERY protein very good and helpful in my recovery special as im disabled and I have to use my upper body all the time and without using the Rego RAPID RECOVERY I would have to take more days to recover and I wouldn't be able to go to the gym as much as I do



Definitely helps recovery; not sure why packaging changed and 1.5kg rather than 1.6kg but it is certainly useful.

Philip McGavock


I really loved this product before I received my latest one in new packaging- it's still called vanilla flavour but it tastes completely different, quite fake & rather unpleasantly- such a shame! It still revives after a workout but it's a struggle to drink it.



This protein helps my legs not to cramp after a long cycle.

